Sunday 9 April 2023

Creating a Positive Safety Culture for Temporary and Contract Workers


Creating a Positive Safety Culture for 

Temporary and Contract Workers

Creating a Positive Safety Culture for Temporary and Contract Workers

Workplace safety is equal to all workers whether they are permanent working or temporary and contract workers. When it comes to workplace safety, every employee deserves the same level of protection. However, temporary and contract workers are often overlooked when it comes to creating a positive safety culture in the workplace. This is a significant concern, as these workers are often the most vulnerable and at risk of workplace incidents. In this article, we will explore the steps employers can take to create a positive safety culture for temporary and contract workers.

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Why is creating a positive safety culture important for temporary and contract workers?

Safety training and awareness : Temporary and contract workers are often brought into a industrial or construction workplace for a short period of time for the temporary work or any specially work, which means they may not have the same level of safety training or awareness as employees working in the workplace for the longer days. This lack of familiarities with the workplace can make them more vulnerable to incidents and injuries.

Reporting of Hazards at Workplace: 

Temporary and contract workers may feel less empowered to report safety hazards or concerns, as they are not permanent employees and may fear retaliation or losing their job. This means that creating a positive safety culture is crucial for protecting these workers and ensuring that they feel comfortable reporting any safety concerns.

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Steps for creating a positive safety culture for temporary and contract workers.

Include temporary and contract workers in safety training

When it comes to safety training, temporary and contract workers should be included in the same training as full time employees. This will ensure that they have the same level of knowledge and awareness when it comes to safety hazards and procedures. Employers should also make sure that temporary and contract workers receive site specific safety training, so they are aware of any unique hazards or risks in the workplace.

Provide the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Employers are responsible for providing the necessary PPE to protect workers from hazards. This includes temporary and contract workers. All the employees should be trained for the correct use of the provided PPEs. Employers should make sure that all workers have the appropriate PPE for their job, and that it is properly fitted and maintained.

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Encourage reporting of safety concerns

Employers should encourage all workers, including temporary and contract workers, to report any safety concerns or hazards they encounter. The system to be made for the easy reporting and all employees should have the access to it. Employers should make it clear that workers will not face retaliation for reporting safety concerns, and that they will be taken seriously. Employers should also have a clear reporting process in place, so workers know how to report safety concerns.

Foster a culture of safety

Creating a positive safety culture is not just about following safety procedures; it is also about creating a culture of safety. Employers should make safety a top priority and communicate this to all workers. Employers should also recognize and reward workers who prioritize safety in their work. This will help create a culture where safety is valued and prioritized by all workers.

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Monitor and evaluate safety performance

Employers should regularly monitor and evaluate safety performance in the workplace. This includes tracking safety incidents and near-misses and identifying any patterns or trends. Employers should use this information to make improvements to safety procedures and practices. Employers should also communicate safety performance to all workers, so they are aware of the workplace's safety record.


Creating a positive safety culture is crucial for protecting all workers in the workplace, including temporary and contract workers. Employers should include these workers in safety training, provide necessary PPE, encourage reporting of safety concerns, foster a culture of safety, and monitor and evaluate safety performance. By taking these steps, employers can create a workplace where all workers feel safe and protected.

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