Sunday 17 September 2023

Machine Operation Safety


Machine Operation Safety

Machine Operation Safety - Dos

1. Check the machine is well maintained and fit to be used, i.e., appropriate for the job and working properly and that all the safety measures are in place – guards, isolators, locking mechanisms, emergency off switches etc.

2. Use the machine properly and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. 

3. Make sure you are wearing the appropriate protective clothing and equipment required for that machine, such as safety glasses, hearing protection and safety shoes. 

4. Train all machine operators on proper machine operation and safety procedures. 

5. Inspect machinery before each use, ensuring that safeguarding systems are in place and working properly. 


The Importance of Training and Education in HSE

6. Follow all machine operating and maintenance instructions. 

7. Use appropriate personal protective equipment-such as safety glasses or goggles, respiratory protection, and hearing protection. 

8. Always Keep hands away from all moving. 

9. Exercise good housekeeping. Clean all tools after each use and store them properly. 

10. Keep the work area clean and well-lit. 

11. Ensure hazardous energy is isolated and controlled if access to hazardous parts is needed.

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Machine Operation Safety - Don'ts

1. Use a machine that has a danger sign or tag attached to it. Danger signs should only be removed by an authorized person who is satisfied that the machine or process is now safe.

 2. Wear dangling chains, loose clothing, rings or have loose, long hair that could get caught up in moving parts.

3. Distract people who are using machines.

4. Remove any safeguards, even if their presence seems to make the job more difficult. 

5. Wear loose clothing, jewelry, neckties or other garments and accessories that can become entangled with moving parts on the machine. Long hair must be tied back. 

6. Distract an operator while operating a machine. 

7. Leave machines running without supervision. Turn the power off completely before leaving the work area. 

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8. Use your hands to remove material from the machine; use a vacuum cleaner, brush, or rake. 

9. Remove, disable, deactivate, or try to work around machine guards and safety devices. They’re here to protect you. 

10. Use machines with missing or disabled guards or protective devices. 

11. Try to access areas of a machine that have hazardous moving parts while the machine is running. 

12. Use a machine for anything it is not designed to do.

Safety Inspections in the Workplace

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