Wednesday 15 November 2023

Carbon Monoxide Safety


Carbon Monoxide Safety

What is Carbon Monoxide?

Carbon monoxide (chemical abbreviation: CO) is a colorless, odorless, and highly poisonous gas. It is produced by the incomplete burning of fuels. Mostly you can find in the Steel Making Industries. Engines powered by gasoline, propane, or diesel release carbon monoxide. So do fuel-fired heaters and certain welding processes.

Since you cannot see or smell CO, you need a detector to warn if this hazard is present. Breathing in CO gas interferes with your body’s ability to use oxygen.

Eventually, it deprives the body tissues of the oxygen that it needs for survival.

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10 Simple Steps to Create a Safe Work Environment

CO gas can accumulate in any enclosed or poorly ventilated space where a source of CO is being operated. In this article we will discuss about the CO exposure and prevention for the construction workplace.

These include

• Vehicle and equipment cabs

• Parked vehicles

• Basements or parts of buildings under construction

• Tarped-in areas

• Parking and mechanic garages

• Workshops

• Warehouses

• Low-lying confined spaces (sewers, manholes, etc.).

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Symptoms and Health Effects

The health effects of CO will defend in the concentration of the exposure.

• Headache

• Fatigue

• Nausea

• Dizziness

• Confusion

• Shortness of breath

• Impaired vision or hearing

At the first indication of symptoms, get into the fresh air. With severe exposure, seek immediate medical attention. Continued exposure can lead to loss of consciousness, arrested breathing, heart failure, and eventually death.

Workers with heart and lung disease are particularly sensitive to CO exposure. In addition, cigarette smokers have higher levels of CO in their blood and may experience the effects sooner than non-smokers.

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Your organization Health and Safety Program should have written policies and procedures in place to control and monitor CO exposure in the workplace.

Ensure that the concentration of CO does not exceed the Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL).

OELs restrict the amount and length of time a worker can be exposed to hazardous chemicals in the air. Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents sets the OEL for carbon monoxide as 25 parts per million (ppm) for an 8-hour Time-Weighted Average (TWA). Exposure shall not exceed 75 ppm for any period of 30 minutes and 125 ppm at any time.


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Training and Education

• Inform workers about the health effects of CO exposure, sources of CO in the workplace, and precautions that must be followed to ensure they are not exposed.

• Do not allow workers to work alone in places where CO may accumulate.

• Teach workers how to operate fuel-powered equipment safely.

Air Gas Testing in the Workplace

Use a direct-reading instrument like portable gas detector or fix the gas detector in the workplace to test the air and warn workers about dangerous levels of CO. Units designed for in-home use are not suitable for the workplace. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

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Tools and Equipment

• Where possible, operate all fuel-powered tools and equipment outdoors. For example, put welding machines and generators outside and run the leads

or the pump into the building.

• If fuel-powered tools and equipment must be used inside, avoid unnecessary idling, racing the engine, or braking erratically.

• Inspect and maintain fuel-powered tools and equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure they run properly and as cleanly

as possible. Look for such things as leaking exhaust connections or manifolds, as well as loose or broken floor boards, exhaust pipes, and mufflers. Ensure that the air intake and fuel systems are working correctly.

• Never run an engine in an enclosed space unless a ventilation or exhaust system is available and working properly.

• Use electric tools or equipment where possible and when working in poorly ventilated areas.

• Use an indirect-fired heater for heating the work area rather than a direct-fired heater (e.g., open-flame or closed-flame heater). Indirect-fired heaters vent

combustion by-products (including CO) outdoors while directing the heated air inside.

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The Benefits of Implementing a Safety Culture in Your Workplace


• Make sure the work area is well-ventilated.

• Keep doors and windows open, if possible.

• Use fans to bring in fresh air from outside.

• When necessary, use exhaust hoses to draw engine exhaust out of the work area. If ventilation remains inadequate after implementing these control measures, use a supplied-air respirator.

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